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For Professionals

Portal for Professionals
  • AAP confirms the safety of
    goat milk infant formula
    AAP confirms the safety ofgoat milk infant formula
  • Goat milk protein is suitable
    for infant formula
    Goat milk protein is suitablefor infant formula
  • Nutritionally Complete
    & Adequate
    Nutritionally Complete& Adequate
  • Trusted brand
    from Europe
    Trusted brandfrom Europe

Our Jovie study product

Fully compliant with FDA requirements

Jovie goat milk US
  • With iron
  • Low in protein
  • Fortified with DHA + ARA
  • Following European and scientific insights
  • Inspired by Jovie as sold in Europe

Breastmilk is the gold standard for babies
Breastfeeding moms provide valuable reference data for our growth monitoring study

Which formula will the parent receive, goat or cow?

All formula-fed babies in our study have a 50/50 chance of receiving either our Jovie goat milk infant formula or a well-known cow milk infant formula. This is totally random, which is a requirement for the study, and it means that caregivers are not able to select their preferred infant formula.

Infants with a family history (parents or siblings) of confirmed milk or soy allergies cannot participate in our study. If a baby has a cow milk protein allergy or lactose intolerance, it is not eligible to participate in our study.

Your client should continue to see you, their pediatrician, as they normally would. In accordance with common practice, they will ask you for their babies’ feeding schedule.

What do we expect from moms, dads and caregivers who join our study?

Detailed information about our in-home clinical study can be found here

Parents are asked to exclusively breastfeed or formula feed their baby for 16 weeks. During these 16 weeks parents will be guided by our study app. 
Upon online training with one of our qualified pediatric nurses, this study app will guide caregivers how to measure and report the baby’s weight, length, and head circumference, as well as formula intake and tolerance. We will ask our participants to report any change in health (adverse events) and concomitant medication, and not to give the baby anything other than the study formula over the course of the study.

Join our Jovie Healthcare Professional Platform

In Europe, goat milk-based infant formula has already become common over the past ten years. Let us teach you all our scientific and practical insights and
join our Jovie platform for healthcare professionals here.

Do you have any questions?

For study-related questions contact us at
For product-related questions contact us at

Our Jovie study is IRB approved and listed on